The following section contains the wording from the founding Charter for Division One of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. It was taken from the framed copy of the same that hangs over the fireplace in the Hibernian Hall.
To Whom It May Concern:
Know Ye: That We Patrick J Hogan, National President, Edward Buck, National Vice President, John F. Geoghan, National Secretary, and W.J. McErnery, National Treasurer, the National Officers of The Ancient Order of Hibernians in America - by virtue of the power and authority conferred on us by the National Convention of said Order assembled at Louisville, Ky,. on the 11th day of May A.D. 1888, in accordance with the Constitution and General Laws of the Order and upon the application of John Dillon, S.P.; T.J. Mathews, S S.; Thos P. Murray, S T, State Officers of Rhode Island and Michael F. Kelly C.P. of Newport County R.I. have upon this Day of January 1876 granted permission to the above named upright and devoted Brothers, or to either of them, or their duly elected, qualified and initiated successors in Office, the power and authority to establish and organize a Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America: said Division to be known as Division No. One of the A.O.H. of Newport County and to hold its meetings at Newport, Rhode Island.
And we do further by virtue of the power and authority vested in us as aforesaid, hereby confer upon said Division all the rights, powers and privileges guaranteed unto like Divisions of this Order by the Constitution and General Laws of the Order: Provided always, however that said Division shall in all things conform to the Constitution and General Laws of the Order as adopted and promulgated by the National Convention of the same:
The right is reserved to suspend or reclaim this Charter and to annul the rights and privileges herein conferred for any neglect or refusal to perform the duties required by the Laws and usages of the Order as adopted and promulgated by the National Convention or any of its Officers acting under legally invested Authority:
In Testimony whereof we have set our hands hereunto and affixed the Seal of the Order upon the day and in the year last aforesaid:
Patrick J. Hogan
National President
Edward Buch
National Vice President
John F. Geoghan
National Secretary
William J. McErnery
National Treasurer
National Directors
J. M. Giblin
R. F Mahady
W. F. Quigley
Hon J. J. Comerford
John F. Butler
J. R. Kane
John J. Sweeney, Jr.
John Ryan
D. Sullivan
Division Organized by State Board on the day of January, 1876